
Fee Pattern for the session 2024-25

New Registration Fee (9 th) 3500
(Diary, ID Card, Admission Form, Fees Card)
New Registration Fee (Nur to 8th) 1500
(Diary, ID Card, Admission Form, Fees Card)
For old students ( Promotion Charges) 500
(Diary, ID Card, Fees Card)

Fee Detail Class wise

Class Nursery, L.K.G., U.K.G., and 1 st Rs 800
Class 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th and 5 th Rs 1000
Class 6 th, 7 th and 8 th Rs 1200
Class 9 th and 10 th Rs 1500

Examination Fee (Nursery to 9 th) : Rs 2000
(May submit Rs 1000 Twice a Year)


Those parent's who have three or more children studying, the fee for a child of junior class will be half.
(जिन अभिभावक के तीन या तीन से अधिक बच्चे पढ़ रहे हैं उसमें सबसे छोटे कक्षा के एक बच्चे की फीस आधी रहेगी)

Document needed at the time of Admission

  • Three photo of student.
  • Two Photo of Parent.
  • Photocopy of Aadhaar card of parent's and student both.
  • Birth Cetificate
  • T.C. (Class 6 th to above)